January 11, 2018
Lots of News for You
1. CHICKEN in March. We are taking orders for Chicken for March. $4.25/lb box $4.45/lb less than box. Cobb Breed. This is the breed with the big breasts. Depending on the weather, these birds may chose to be free run. Like us, chickens don't like to get wet. But we will give them the option to go outside. LOL
2. FARM STORE: We are opening a Farm Store in mid March.
Specializing in BeeKeeping Supplies but we will also have frozen meat products. We will be adding meat as we raise it.
3. SMOKED HAMS for Easter. We don't raise pigs but we are acquiring from a reputable supplier. We will smoke ourselves. Bone in. Let us know if you are interested. Good Friday is March 30th this year.
4. Bees and Supplies. We are taking orders for Nucs (Nucleus hives) for Honey Bees. You can pre-order by email but our website will be launched this month. We will be selling the starter kits to go with the new hives plus other basic supplies and protective clothing. For prices and dates, please email.
To Place an order:
Copy and paste the following into an email and send to info@cowichan-valley-farms.com
Full Name :
Phone # :
Email Address:
Location for PU: Duncan Farm, Langford rendezvous spot or Victoria rendezvous spot near UVIC
ITEM: Chicken, Ham, Bee Nucs or Beef
We will send you a confirmation email and answer any of your questions. (just a reminder we very seldom answer our phone because we are never in our office. Email is the best way to communicate with us)
Thanks for all your loyal repeat business.
Jim and Pat Peach
Cowichan Valley Farms Ltd.
5735 Menzies Road
Duncan, B.C.
V9L 6G7
Home/Office Phone: 250-746-5601
